GOV.UK Gender Pay Gap Service+Image
Employer Size
How many people does this entity employ?

About the data

This metric is based on the UK legislation requiring disclosure of gender pay gaps by companies based in the UK: The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Data for this metric only comes from the GOV.UK Gender Pay Gap Service, and as such it only concerns the performance of UK-based companies. Where this metric is applied to the performance of a multi-national company based outside the UK, the answer relates to the performance of some UK-based subsidiary (see the source for details).
The data for this metric is taken from the GOV.UK Gender Pay Gap Service.

From the legislation:

2.—(1) A relevant employer must publish, for 2017 and each subsequent year, the following information—

(a)the difference between the mean hourly rate of pay of male full-pay relevant employees and that of female full-pay relevant employees (see regulation 8);

(b)the difference between the median hourly rate of pay of male full-pay relevant employees and that of female full-pay relevant employees (see regulation 9);

(c)the difference between the mean bonus pay paid to male relevant employees and that paid to female relevant employees (see regulation 10);

(d)the difference between the median bonus pay paid to male relevant employees and that paid to female relevant employees (see regulation 11);

(e)the proportions of male and female relevant employees who were paid bonus pay (see regulation 12); and

(f)the proportions of male and female full-pay relevant employees in the lower, lower middle, upper middle and upper quartile pay bands (see regulation 13).
Value Type
Less than 250
250 to 499
500 to 999
1000 to 4999
5000 to 19,999
20,000 or more
Not Provided
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Gender Pay Gap Report