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Worker Representation on Board
Does the company have worker representation on their corporate board of directors?
Fashion Revolution

About the data

Worker representation on the corporate board of directors is important because it ensures worker voice is incorporated at the decision making level.

In this question you are being asked to identify whether the company has worker representation on their corporate board of directors.

Where to look for this information:
- Investor relations documents
- Corporate Social Responsibility report
- Contact page
- Company Code of Conduct
- In Modern Slavery Statement or California Transparency Act disclosure
- Company documents
- Company policies
- Company websites
- Company code of conduct
- Parent company documents (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company policies (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company websites (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company code of conduct (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)

Good keywords for your searches include:
- Governance
- Board member
- Board committee
- Board of Directors
- Chair of Committee
- Committee
- Worker representative