
Environmental Disclosure includes data on how companies use resources and energy and manage their environmental impact as stewards of the planet. Disclosing data on environmental performance can help the public understand how a company manages its impacts in areas such as energy efficiency, climate change, carbon emissions, water, and waste management.

The Environmental Disclosure data is a subset of the Apparel 100 Research, a broader analysis compiling new and existing information on the top 100 Apparel companies' supply chain transparency and ESG data.  

The data compiled aim to inform the work of human rights advocates, policymakers, investors, and companies. At the same time, it highlights the data gaps so that companies and their stakeholders can identify areas for improvement concerning environmental disclosure.

For more information on the project, go to https://showcase.wikirate.org/


The Wikirate.org platform is designed to enable an open data ecosystem that connects information from across expert organizations and individuals.

The Environmental Disclosure aggregates a broad set of data and indicators based on commonly used reporting standards like the Global Reporting Initiative and civil society research, like Fashion Revolution’s Fashion Transparency Index, that make their methodology and data open and transparent. 

These data are aggregated from research using public sources (corporate reporting and websites) and complemented through collaborations with research organizations, with methods including desk research, data scraping and API connections.

Click here for more information on the project’s contributors.

Download this data set and use it in your analysis

Under Answers, use the filters to explore the data.

At the bottom of the page, there is a button to download data with the current filters in CSV format. Click in the arrow next to the button to choose the format, detail and number of answers that you want to export.

  • CSV downloads will allow a maximum of 500 answers per request without a Wikirate account and 5000 answers per request with a Wikirate account. To download more answers than that, you will need to do multiple exports (e.g. using the filters to split the export by year) or use the API.
  • JSON downloads produce 20 answers per page. When there are more than 20 results, the response will include at least one paging URL, which you can use to retrieve the complete list.


 Image: Environment Agency Survey Open Data, https://flic.kr/p/zbMECY.