Question: What percentage of the company's board of directors are women?
Women on Board
Fluidra SA
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 1 year ago by Paola Gutierrez

The answer for the question is not specifically shown in the pdf document so calculations were made to obtain the result.


The information is on page 50 in Structure and composition.


The calculations made were the following:


12(total board directors in 2020)*x = 100( total percentage of board directors)*1(only women in the board director in 2020)


x = 100/12

x = 8.33%

Camilo Ulloa.....2021-10-21 08:09:03 UTC

IAGC (Annual Corporate Governance Report) for fiscal year 2020. IAGC (Informe de Avances de Gobierno Corporativo) del ejercicio 2020.

Paola Gutierrez.....2022-08-18 10:44:34 UTC