Telekom has provided extensive information to its stakeholders and the general public about its objectives, its activities and the progress made in the relevant economic - General standard information G4-1 Board of Management statement. G4-2 impacts, risks and opportunities. G4-3 Name of the organization. G4-4 Key brands, products, services. G4-5 Headquarters. G4-6 Countries in operation. G4-7 Ownership structure and legal form. G4-8 Markets. G4-9 Scale of the organization. G4-10 Total workforce. G4-11 Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements. G4-12 Supply chain. G4-13 Significant changes regarding size, structure and ownership structure. G4-14 Addressing the precautionary approach. G4-15 External charters, principles or other initiatives. G4-16 Memberships in associations and advocacy organizations. G4-17 Corporate structure. G4-18 Defining report content. G4-19 Material aspects. G4-20 Material aspects within the organization. G4-21 Material aspects outside the organization. G4-22 Explanation of any restatements of information. G4-23 Explanation of any changes to reporting boundaries. G4-24 Stakeholder groups engaged by the Group. G4-25 Identification and selection of stakeholder groups. G4-26 Approach to stakeholder engagement. G4-27 Stakeholder questions and concerns. G4-28 Reporting period. G4-29 Date of most recent previous report. G4-30 Reporting cycle. G4-31 Contact. G4-32 "In accordance" option in GRI index. G4-33 External assurance for the report. G4-34 Governance structure. G4-35 Delegating authority for sustainability topics . G4-36 Responsibility for sustainability topics. G4-40 Selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees. G4-49 Process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body. G4-56 Values, principles and norms of behavior . G4-57 Internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior. G4-58 Mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior.


General standard information | 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report - Deutsche Telekom
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report