Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Procurement / purchasing,
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)

• In an effort to disrupt and prevent harm, we remove content on Facebook that facilitates or coordinates the exploitation of humans, including human trafficking. We define human trafficking in our Community Standards as the business of depriving someone of liberty for profit. It is the exploitation of humans in order to force them to engage in commercial sex, labor, or other activities against their will. It relies on deception, force and coercion, and degrades humans by depriving them of their freedom while economically or materially benefiting others. For more detail, see the Community Standards, Help Center, or our most recent Community Standards Enforcement Report

Sherin Zadah.....2021-11-16 22:50:34 UTC

Training and capacity building on slavery and human trafficking available to our

staff and suppliers

Training regarding the standards set forth in the RBA Code of Conduct is provided to certain personnel in

Facebook’s supply chain, sourcing, legal, and compliance teams. Additional training is provided to certain employees

to build capacity in reporting on and addressing nonconformances to the RBA Code. We partner closely with

certain suppliers to provide a deeper understanding of the RBA Code where needed.1

Gabby.....2022-05-05 11:06:37 UTC