Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Procurement / purchasing,
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Verified by Community check_circle

All McDonald's employees are "trained annually on the Standards of Business Conduct," but not sure if this is specific to modern slavery.


P7 - "McDonald's UK supply chain procurement employees undergo in-person and webinar trainings on supporting suppliers in meeting their expectations under the Supplier Code of Conduct and SWA programme."


P7 & 8 - McDonald's offers "optional trainings" to suppliers, including "live training sessions for suppliers with external human rights and supply chain experts.” Suppliers also have the option to access online training material "that provide guidance on preventing modern slavery. Training modules include: Ensuring Eligibility to Work, Protecting the Rights of Migrant Labour, and Implementing Grievance Mechanisms. For example, the Migrant Labour training aims to educate suppliers on the risks related to modern slavery when sourcing migrant labour and some key actions they can take to ensure they are protecting the rights of migrant workers in their facilities.”

Arisa Vithoontien.....2021-11-12 18:14:29 UTC