Question: What is the organization's total volume of water discharge in cubic meters? 
Global Reporting Initiative
Almirall SA

First source:

- Page 16

- Quoted Text:

"En todos los centros de Almirall le media de los parámetros se encuentra como mínimo por debajo del 70% de limite legal."


Second Source:

- Page 19

- Quoted Text:

" At all its centres, the average of the parameters is, at least, below 70% of the legal limit."

Victor Aguilar.....2021-11-02 18:58:24 UTC

The company does not report wastewater discharge value.

pg. 28

"Wastewater discharges Reducing the flow and pollutant load of liquid discharges entails acting on the pollutants generated in the processes themselves. Accordingly, Almirall’s operating centres have wastewater treatment facilities, and the chemical plants in particular have physical-chemical and biological wastewater treatment plants. At all its centres, the average of the parameters is, at least, below 70% of the legal limit."

Singh Anjali.....2022-01-20 17:10:21 UTC