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Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Final Score
What score did the company achieve in the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark?

About the data

Business can create jobs and secure livelihoods, provide products and services, support community development and provide tax revenue for the state to invest in the well-being of its people.

Yet, without a sound commitment to human rights and implementation through due diligence, jobs can be precarious with poverty wages, indigenous peoples can be dispossessed of their ancestral lands and individuals can be subjected to modern day slavery, amongst a range of other potential impacts.

The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark provides a comparative snapshot year-on-year of the largest companies on the planet, looking at the policies, processes, and practices they have in place to systematise their human rights approach and how they respond to serious allegations. This is a public good for all stakeholders.

The ultimate aim of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark will be achieved incrementally by adding new industries and companies over time.

The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark is an initiative of the World Benchmarking Alliance

The data and methodology in this metric should be used accordance with the WBA's fair-use donation model and data licensing, under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International.

The scores in this benchmark are calculcated by the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark team within the World Benchmarking Alliance. 

The methodology for the scoring and full dataset can be found on the World Benchmarking Alliance's website. 

Please note that the methodology for the benchmark is updated yearly. 

Value Type
out of 100 points
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Aggregate Data Report