Question: Does the company describe capacity building programs with suppliers?
Direct Support (bilateral)
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"Effective management of significant risks across CBG operations is accomplished through the implementation of operational controlsand monitoring. Aminimumrequirement consists in clearly documented procedures (such as SOPsanda Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), established for processes or activities that pose a significant HSE risk. Critical information such as relevant HSEC and legaland otherrequirements, operating criteria and process tasks that are included within relevant workplace procedures must be adequate to eliminate or manage identified risks. These procedures are used in the training and competencedevelopment process. They cover all critical actions and communicate relevant information resulting from the ESIA, ESMP, Management Plans and associated Action Plans. Employees and contractors are trained in the use of proceduresrelevant to their activities. Contractors working for CBG are notified and must comply with relevant procedures. Where relevant, contractors are required to develop, maintain and follow procedures for their agreed contract of work. Technical Representativesand Responsible Managers at the work site are responsible for ensuring that contractors communicate, implement and follow the requirements of their procedures." p. 18