Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified

The company states that they have received complaints, but none are linked to forced labor.

pg. 2

"We recognize the risk of modern slavery within the textile and footwear industries. All forms of modern slavery, including forced labor, bonded labor, child labor and human trafficking are defined as Zero Tolerance Issues (ZTIs) as stated in PUMA's Sustainability Handbook - Social Standards. New factories with ZTI's will not be admitted into PUMA's supply chains. For active factories, the remediation of ZTIs is treated with the highest priority. Should a factory failto remediate any identified ZTIs within an agreedtimeframe,thebusiness relationship with this factory will be terminated."

pg. 4

"We also received five third-party complaints from external organizations related to PUMA’s manufacturing partners. They focused on freedom of association, fair compensation, and discrimination. Four complaints were resolved by year end and the remaining complaint (received late in 2020), is in the process of being resolved."

Singh Anjali.....2021-07-09 08:33:27 UTC