Question: What are the company’s human rights and environmental policies?
Annual Leave & Public Holidays,
Anti-bribery Corruption & Presentation of False Information,
Community Engagement,
Energy & Carbon Emissions,
Maternity Rights & Parental Leave,
Wages & Financial Benefits (e.g. bonuses/insurance/social security/pensions),
Waste & Recycling (Packaging/Office/Retail)
Fashion Revolution
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated almost 3 years ago by Aileen Robinson

Page(s) pp. 37 , p.33 , pp. 43 , p.36-39 , p.36-39 , p.27-31 , pp. 37 , p.37 , p.27-31 ,

Fashion Revolution.....2021-07-05 21:24:07 UTC

Page(s) pp. 37 , p.33 , pp. 43 , p.36-39 , p.36-39 , p.27-31 , pp. 37 , p.37 , p.27-31 ,

Aileen Robinson.....2021-07-07 09:09:01 UTC