Question: What is the average hours of training per male employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
AVI Limited
Verified by Community check_circle

Pages 41-42


Not disclosed

Rumbidzai Kunze.....2021-02-12 03:11:04 UTC

No data was found on the average hours of training given to male employees.

pg. 42

"The amount spent on recorded skills development initiatives in the year was R 69,82 million, an amount equivalent to 3,14% of leviable amount. 3487 employees, or 37,79% of the total workforce (including permanent and fixed term contract employees), were trained during

the year, 91,91% of whom were Black (African, Coloured and Indian). "

Manali Rana.....2022-04-07 10:30:58 UTC