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Discloses Quantity of Products Produced
Does the company disclose the quantity of products produced during the annual reporting period?
Fashion Revolution

About the data

Disclosing data on the amount of clothing and products made by a company annually gives external stakeholders insight into global production and consumption patterns. It helps us understand which companies are contributing most to the overall volume of clothing made each year.

In this question you are being asked to identify whether the company discloses the quantity of products they produced per year.

Where to look for this information:
- Corporate Social Responsibility report
- Company documents
- Company policies
- Company websites
- Company code of conduct
- Parent company documents (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company policies (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company websites (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company code of conduct (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)

Good keywords for your searches include:
- Product volume
- Produced this year

Things to keep in mind:
- We are looking to see how many items brands produced in the past year. For example, 'we produced over 1.5 billion products in 2019.'

Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed