Question: What percentage of new suppliers were screened using human rights criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative
Verified by Community check_circle

Page 62, 64, 66, 70, 71 (Does not specify)

Jonathan Watt.....2020-02-27 16:02:02 UTC

page 71

Huzaifa Ahmad.....2021-02-25 03:50:52 UTC

I would say UNKNOWN p71 "All high-risk vendors undergo a due diligence process that is managed internally using our Code of Conduct and questionnaire and externally through a reputable independent provider. As a result, the Compliance team managed to clear 95% of our active database (customers and vendors"

They did not specify that all new suppliers are screened, only the ones they consider high-risk vendors, and they do not provide an explanation why they are considered high-risk,

Laura Ah.....2021-02-25 16:45:19 UTC