Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
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MSA risk assessment
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Combating Modern Slavery by identifying and assessing risks and conducting due diligence


AIG continues to conduct internal assessments to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of its business or supply chains. AAMEL has not identified any evidence of existing slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains and intends to continue focusing on this area. AIG has in place systems to identify and assess potential risk areas in its supply chains and to protect whistleblowers."


"Specific steps, including staff training AAMEL has:

• Shared this statement with all of its staff members and included it within its joining materials for

new employees;

• Updated its internal whistle-blowing policy;

• Provided employees with Modern Slavery Act training on complying with the Act and associated AIG

group policies."

Fatima Ali.....2020-02-24 19:20:03 UTC