Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Use of risk management tool or software
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
Macquarie Group
Verified by Steward check_circle

Pg 2- "Macquarie takes a risk-based approach to supplier management and governance. Suppliers are segmented and classifiedbased on inherent risk and business criticality. Approximately 97% of Macquarie’s direct corporate suppliers are incountries and categories considered low risk for modern slavery. The remainder of suppliers are assessed for negativenews and will be required to respond to Macquarie’s Supplier ESR questionnaire during onboarding. A sample of high-risksuppliers are subject to detailed onsite reviews and where relevant, provided recommendations for improvement."


Pg 2- "Environmental and social risk training is provided to staff in key risk functions and business groups and covers the ESRpolicy and the use of the ESR tool to support the identification of labour and human rights issues."

Nikita Shah.....2019-10-21 15:05:45 UTC

"Established targeted watch lists to monitor potentially higher risk suppliers for negative news using externally recognised ESG risk databases."

"Implemented an ongoing risk based ESR assessment programme which involved in-depth onsite assessments with suppliers in high risk jurisdictions and service categories including remediation recommendations;"

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2020-11-30 11:35:04 UTC