Question: What is the amount of other indirect (Scope 3) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tons of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is indirectly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative
Verified by Community check_circle
updated about 5 years ago by sinmintan

No guidelines for the calculation of indirect

greenhouse gas emissions have been approved

in Russia so far and the legislation under consideration

is currently being assessed for its regulatory impact.

Therefore, the Company is unable to calculate its

indirect greenhouse gas emissions for 2016.

sinmintan.....2019-05-04 10:03:49 UTC

Not reported.

pg. 49

"No guidelines for the calculation of indirect greenhouse gas emissions have been approved in Russia so far and the legislation under consideration is currently being assessed for its regulatory impact. Therefore, the Company is unable to calculate its indirect greenhouse gas emissions for 2016. "

Manali Rana.....2022-04-20 09:05:31 UTC