Question: What is the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is directly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative

P. 38 (Actual report page)

Converted 56731 kilotons to 56731000 tonnes

Kejal Al-Failey.....2019-02-20 12:10:07 UTC

total GHG emissions scope 1 (CO2 equivalent) = total GHG - indirect GHG scope 2 - indirect GHG scope 3 = 67412 - 7756 - 0.59 = 59655.41 kilotons

shanella dewaraja.....2019-05-13 08:28:31 UTC

The report does not state direct CO2 equivalents but only direct CO2. This has to be combined with the other GHGs and their GWP.

109 × 25 + 1,44 × 298 + 56731 = 59885 kilotonnes

page 38

joma.....2021-08-26 17:10:21 UTC

To calculate the total direct GHG emissions, we have taken all the direct GHG emissions. As it is not mentioned clearly whether nitrous oxide is direct or indirect, we have not considered and furthermore, we have to convert tonnes to tonnes CO2 equivalent as well.

(Conversion rate : GWP is 25 for methane)

(Conversion : 109 kt x 25 = 2,725 kt CO2 eq)

(Calculation : (Direct methane + Direct CO2) = (2,725 +56731 ) = 59,456 kt CO2 eq)

pg. 38

"Greenhouse gases (GHG) (kilotons)

Direct methane (CH4) (2018) 109

Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) Scope 1 56731 "

Manali Rana.....2022-06-20 07:30:39 UTC