Question: What is the total monetary value (in USD) of significant fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations incurred by the organization?
Global Reporting Initiative

In Sustainability report 2016-17,on page no. 37,under compliance section,it is mention no charge ever levied on them for non compliance.

Gaurav Chauhan.....2019-01-06 11:00:07 UTC

"In FY 2016-17 no forms of non-monetary sanctions and monetary fines were levied upon us for any non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations"

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2019-01-16 17:10:24 UTC

As per Sustainability Report 2018-19, page no. 59, the company states that "In FY 2018-19 no forms of non-monetary sanctions and monetary fines were levied upon us for any non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations."

No monetary fines levied in the year 2018.

Nitesh Pahuja.....2021-04-10 13:47:04 UTC