Question: Does the company have strategies or initiatives in place to address global environmental issues such as climate change and global warming?
Wipro Limited
Unverified - Added by Steward

page 314, page 49

"Energy efficiency & GHG mitigation

Science based target setting – Recalibration of climate goals:  We have used the science based target setting framework from WRI (World Resource Institute) that tries to align with the 2015 Paris agreement which aims to limit global warming to below 2 degrees celsius from pre-industrial levels.  We have undertaken a recalibration of our greenhouse gas emission targets to account for two organizational accounting changes – the first due to divestment  of  our  overseas customer  data center business to  Ensono and the  second  based  on  requirements of  GHG protocol  standard  of  accounting  all  leased/rented  office spaces emissions under Scope 3.  Considering 2017 as the base year,  we have set medium term targets till 2022 and 2030 and longer term targets till 2040 and 2050.

The  following  goals  have  been  set  for  the  period  2017-18  to 2021-22:

a.  Absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions – Absolute emissions reduction of 23,700 tonnes.

b.  Energy Intensity in terms of EPI (Energy Performance Index) - Cumulative reduction of 7.8% in EPI over 5 years

c. GHG Emission Intensity (Scope 1 and Scope 2) on Floor Area (FAR) basis - Cumulative reduction of 16 % in GHG intensity from 117 Kg CO2  eq./ Sq.  Mt.  (kgpsm) to 98 kgpsm of CO2  –eq

d.  Renewable Energy (RE)-  Increase renewable energy procurement by 55% to a target of 120 million units in 2021-22."

Meghanand Ram Gopal.....2018-12-26 18:30:10 UTC

Have updated source to correct 2017 report


Aileen Robinson.....2019-01-21 15:03:55 UTC