Question: Does the company report the amount of waste generated?
Waste Reported
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Sustainability Report 2015-16, pg 38


"Tata Power ensures that the best waste management practices are in place to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste generated. In addition to recycling a strong focus on identifying opportunities to prevent waste or bring new life to materials that might otherwise be discarded. As a part of regulatory compliance, the waste generated is disposed through authorised vendors. Hazardous waste is stored and disposed as per Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2016. Tata Power does not import or export any wastes in/from power generation and there has been no hazardous waste imported or exported as per the Basel Convention. The reporting year did not witness any spills across locations. Being a power generating company with coal being its major fuel, a large quantity of fly ash is generated, the quantity depends on the quality of coal used. Tata Power is conscious of its resource usage and thus using low ash, low sulphur coal, for its current operations, to minimise adverse impacts on the environment and the public. There are efforts in place that ensures the ash generated from thermal power plants would be gainfully utilised in creating value. Gainful ash utilisations is achieved through Backfilling in abandoned mines, Cement & brick industry, and road construction. The quantity of fly ash and hazardous wastes disposed during the period is given below. The disposal of fly ash and hazardous wastes are ongoing process and waste generated is disposed."


"At Tata Power, non-hazardous waste minimisation and reuse is one of the initiatives under GMI, as mentioned above. However, waste material such as scrap steel, wood which form a part of various auxiliary materials used in installation, construction, maintenance activity etc. are reused internally for fencing, tree guard, etc. However, the quantities were not measured. Used and waste oil generated during operation are disposed off through authorised recyclers."


"The waste generated from medical facilities is of higher significance and improper management of this waste causes a direct health impact on the community. Tata Power understands the significance of bio-medical waste management in line with the Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 and its subsequent amendments thereafter."


"Tata Power’s Information Technology department manages a company-wide asset recovery programme to reuse and recycle obsolete electronic assets. Through authorised vendors, Tata Power ensures that all of its electronic waste is de-manufactured for reuse or reclamation in a responsible manner. Tata Power has disposed 11.62 tonnes e-waste to authorized recyclers in FY 16."


Specific amounts of different wastes genererated are given in the Sustainability Report 205-16 on page 38.

Nitish Kumar Parihar.....2018-12-23 04:53:52 UTC

Company does not on report waste.

Aileen Robinson.....2019-01-21 14:08:48 UTC