Annual Report 2016-17, pg 158-159
"Tata Power has a dedicated Environment Policy along with Policies on Energy Conservation, Sustainability, E-waste Management etc. These policies aim to achieve business excellence in environment protection, occupational health and safety. The Environment Policy encourages the Company to conserve resources, reduce environmental impact and seeks to enhance the awareness among employees and make business decision aiding sustainability."
"Environment risks are identified in the risk matrix and discussed in the annual review meeting of the Audit Committee of Directors. Once risks are identified, steps are taken to measure and mitigate these risks through the management system approach."
"The Company has Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects registered with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Tata Power currently has five of its renewable projects registered under the CDM program by UNFCCC. These projects include Wind Projects at Gadag, Karnataka, Khandke, Maharashtra, Samana and NewGen Saurashtra in Gujarat. The Company also has Mithapur Solar Project registered under CDM. In FY 2016-17, volume of 2,34,650 Carbon Credits (CERs) were traded from these projects collectively. The gross revenue generated from such sale is ` 10.90 crore."
"Tata Power has a dedicated Environment Policy along with Policies on Energy Conservation, Sustainability, E-waste Management etc. These policies aim to achieve business excellence in environment protection, occupational health and safety. The Environment Policy encourages the Company to conserve resources, reduce environmental impact and seeks to enhance the awareness among employees and make business decision aiding sustainability. The division/joint ventures have developed their own policies by taking essence from the Company policy. However, the policy on RSCM has environment protection as one of its criteria applicable to all its vendors, contractors and service providers."