Recycled Gold
What is the percentage of recycled gold that the company purchases?

About the data

Gold mining is very damaging for the environment. It pollutes the air and water with toxic substances (e.g. cyanide and mercury). Recycling gold is an environmentally friendly solution. Currently, some companies are disclosing the percentage of the gold they purchase that is recycled and the percentage that is newly mined. 

Go through The Hidden Cost of Jewelry Report to find out whether the company you are researching publishes information on the percentage of recycled gold that it purchases. If the company is not part of the Report, browse the Corporate Social Responsibility section of the company's Website and look for the information.

Usually, documents entitled Statement on Gemstone Sourcing, Conflict Minerals or Corporate Social Responsibility Report may contain information about it.

  • If you find about the percentage of newly mined gold purchased by the company capture the figure in the Answer box.
  • If you find no information about it, select "Unknown".

Be aware that the question asks for a percentage and you may have to do a calculation.


Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Sustainability Report
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Conflict Minerals Report