Question: What are the total environmental protection expenditures and investments of the company?
Global Reporting Initiative
Pirelli & C. SpA
Verified by Steward check_circle
updated about 6 years ago by Tyson Pinney

Page 117: "In the three-year period 2014-2016, environmental expenditure related to the production process exceeded Euro 54.5 million, of which about 29% was allocated in 2016" 54.5 * 0.29 = 15.805 million.


"the most significant expenses that Pirelli dedicates to the environment are those relating to product Research & Development: in 2016, the Company invested 228.1 million euro in research and innovation of its products, with a constant focus on safety performance, reduction of environmental impacts and, simultaneously, production efficiency"


15.805 + 228.1 = 243.905 million euro


Using OFX average exchange rate for the year ended 31 December 2016: 243,905,000 * 1.10656 = $US 269,895,516.8

Tyson Pinney.....2018-05-21 04:42:11 UTC