Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Use of risk management tool or software
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MSA risk assessment

Page 3. "Ferrero has launched a supplier sustainability

initiative with the objectives to manage risks and

verify excellence in suppliers’ activities and, where

necessary, leverage on the influence of our supply

chains to encourage a better performance. The

initiative is carried out through a partnership with a

tool to assess supplier sustainability performances

across four main themes: Environment, Labour

and Human Rights, Fair Business and Sustainable

Procurement practices. "


Page 4. "The Group’s agricultural companies and our strategic

suppliers are invited in different stages to complete the

self-assessments using an online platform. Suppliers

identified at-risk following the assessment are

encouraged to share and implement their corrective

action plans. Our ambition is to have all suppliers

engaged in this initiative in the long term. "

Iasmin da Costa G. Barbosa.....2018-02-17 18:23:38 UTC