PERI at University of Massachusetts Amherst+Image
Peri Greenhouse 100 Polluters Rank
If the company was named by PERI as one of the "Toxic 100" Greenhouse Polluters, What is their rank?

About the data

The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program database (GHGRP), compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 2764; Public Law 110--161), annually reports the weight (in metric tons) of greenhouse gasses from both large direct emission sources and suppliers of fossil fuels. From an EPA About the Program page: "In general, facilities that directly emit 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent or more per year are required to submit annual reports to EPA. In addition, suppliers of certain products that would result in GHG emissions if released, combusted or oxidized are required to report." Data has been reported so far (as of January 2016) for 2010 through 2014. 

Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed