In 2005, Arçelik A.Ş. turned out to be among the first companies to sign the Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Conduct issued by the European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers (CECED). Arçelik A.Ş. is also affiliated with the Koç Group, a signatory to the UN Global Compact, and a member of the Ethics & Reputation Society. In this respect, as a requirement of our responsible purchasing policy, we expect from our suppliers to act as follows:   · Follow the "code of conduct" in their own business conditions also definitively   · Communicate "code of conduct" to all of them are employees and assure them to take notice of the rules as required thes   · Make a "code of conduct" available at locations where employees can access all the time  Arcelik's Codes of Business Conducts for emphised suppliers are under the titles of:    · Legal practices   · Working conditions   · Codes of conduct   · Occupational health and safety and   · Environment  You can see details at The Following Link    Arcelik Workplace Code of Conduct for Suppliers


Workplace Code of Conduct
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report