The company mentions remedy in general, without details of the process and with no clear link to modern slavery. Example: "In its new Grievance Resolution Policy Samsung has strengthened its commitment to provide access to remedy, provides guiding principles of how to handle grievance channels and remediation processes and provides an overview of its channels and grievance handling procedure. Samsung offers a variety of direct and anonymous grievance channels for individuals or groups that are adversely affected by our business operations (...)" (p. 8)
No mention of any specific responses to modern slavery incidents. There is a lack of details regarding the explicit processes or measures. Focus is on what the company would do in response to broad human rights abuses - 'Upon detecting human rights abuses, we investigate their root causes and change our systems, processes, and practices if deemed necessary to prevent the recurrence of similar cases.' (pg 8). 'Employees can also raise complaints and concerns in the workplace with their manager or a Head of Division or the HR or Legal teams' (pg 8).