Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of child labour (direct / tier 1),
Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (direct / tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)

The company has not explicitly mentioned the migrant policy. Hence, not considered.


"We plan to create an ethical compliance and trade guide for all of our suppliers to ensure they understand our full requirements and expectations in addition to the below.

Our expectation is that all of our suppliers work to eradicate forced labour in whatever form it takes ; forced, compulsory, trafficked, prison and, overtime must be voluntary. It is imperative that all of the workers within our supply chain understand their rights and exercise their freedoms.

The group expressly prohibits the use of workers below the minimum age as defined by national law and/or the ILO. We will continue to partner with nominated NGOs and/or appropriate stakeholders to minimise the risk of child labour.

We will ensure the development of further policies to support our suppliers and factories in the implementation of an inclusive workplace in whatever form that takes, including but not limited to race, colour, religion, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation and others.

The group actively encourages our suppliers to support the creation of workers councils and other parallel forums to enable collective bargaining where trade unions are partially or fully restricted under law.

Working hours must comply with national laws and must be included as part of a workers contract of employment. Overtime must not be excessive and must be freely chosen. Our regional teams will continue to support suppliers through capacity and production planning and support to enable them manage their production as efficiently as possible, given the nature of the test and repeat model.

"As part of our on-going monitoring & due diligence process, we have developed policies for our suppliers to adhere to.  Our policies are made available to suppliers through the Supplier Portal."

POLICIES ON OUR ROADMAP » Homeworking policy » Unapproved Sub-contracting policy » Young worker policy » Migrant worker guidelines & policy » Gender discrimination policy

Pooja Yadav.....2024-06-05 06:11:54 UTC