Question: Does the company engage with workers or trade unions in the supply chain?
Yes with labor unions
Walk Free
MSA Workers Engagement
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 1 month ago by Pooja Yadav


"Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

We were accepted as a full ETI member in 2016 after two years as a foundation stage member. The ETI is a leading alliance of companies, trade unions and NGOs that promotes respect for workers’ rights around the globe. It offers a platform for collaborating with peers and stakeholders to collectively and strategically address concerns and issues in our supply chain.

Our membership with the ETI enables us to work collaboratively with other companies, trade unions and civil society on difficult human rights issues including modern slavery that cannot be solved by individual companies working alone by:

— Raising awareness and advocacy with governments to influence policy and legislation.

— Accessing practical information and tools.

— Engaging in and learning from the ETI/TMNS Tamil Nadu multi-stakeholder initiative.

Pooja Yadav.....2024-05-31 06:48:26 UTC