World Benchmarking Alliance+Image
NAT.A02 Accountability for Sustainable Strategy
What did the company score for NAT.A02 Accountability for Sustainable Strategy in the Nature Benchmark?

About the data

Linking sustainable development objectives and targets to roles and remuneration is important to ensure the accountability of the company in relation to its contribution to sustainable development objectives and targets. Ensuring capability within decision-making bodies further indicates a company’s commitment to transitioning to a sustainable future.

A note on the scoring system

Wikirate uses a standardized 10-point scoring system to enable comparison of company scores across different benchmarks. In the Nature Benchmark, companies can earn 1 point per indicator, which are then added together and calculated as a percentage of the total score for a measurement area (MA) to determine the final score for the MA. The overall Wikirate score is calculated by combining these scores with the appropriate weightings, and converting them to a 10-point scale. For instance, if a company achieves a final score of 50, the corresponding Rating will be 5.
