Question: Does the company’s statement detail policies to combat slavery in their supply chain?
Tier 1
Walk Free
Kellogg Co.

"Embedded our commitment into our Global Supplier Code of Conduct...and Global Code of Ethics", provides links to these codes; the former prohibits "suppliers from using or facilitating any type of involuntary labor" and states "the right to terminate our contract with any supplier, at our sole discretion, for violations of our Supplier Code"; the latter includes "prohibiting involuntary labor and discrimination" in their standards and describes that failure to comply with the Employee Code "can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination"


Requirement for "all suppliers" to adhere to Supplier Code, includes "escalation procedure", Supplier Day conferences for best practices, risk assessment led to third-party audits on premium suppliers, but not direct or indirect suppliers

--Sarah Calderone.....2016-11-07 19:33:25 UTC