Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated about 1 month ago by Aureliane


"In these 26 nonconformant findings there were no instances of workers subjected to the worst forms of modern slavery (i.e., human trafficking, wage-less bonded labor, or surrender of personal documentation). In 2022, we enhanced our supplier communications and education materials by emphasising the proactive measures suppliers need to take to address all aspects of conformance to this provision of the RBA Code. We feel this was a positive factor in the near 40% reduction of nonconformant findings in this Code provision compared to 2021 audits."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-03-18 07:24:09 UTC

pg. 6

"The 26 nonconformant fndings are summarised as follows:

— (7 fndings)In voluntary resignation situations, workers bore fnancial liability or salary forfeiture for recruitment, transportation, and training costs

— (5)In prohibited recruitment situations and where workers were charged transportation and hiring fees, workers were reimbursed within three months

— (3) No policy and/or contract terms on prohibition of Forced Labour, Worker Fees, or Modern Slavery / Human Traffcking

— (2) Workers’ reimbursement for prohibited pre-employment fees exceeded three months and RBA Code parameters

— (2) Wage loan repayment exceeded RBACode parameters

— (2) Worker restrictions on subsequent employment for another company in the sector

— (2) No policy on freedom of movement in the workplace

— (1) No monitoring of policies, procedures, and programme effectiveness

— (1) Labour contracts (a percentage) lacked workers’ signatures

— (1) Labour contracts (a percentage) lacked workers’ benefciaries"

Manali Rana.....2024-03-18 10:35:44 UTC

Also Page 6 (para 1): "Analysis of the 60 full audits indicated that 18 suppliers located in Brazil, Chile, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and United Arab Emirates incurred a total of 26 priority, major, or minor non-conformance to the Freely Chosen Employment provision of the RBA Code."

Chanelle.....2024-03-24 00:36:48 UTC

Because the company states that ""In these 26 non-conformant findings there were no instances of workers subjected to the worst forms of modern slavery (i.e., human trafficking, wage-less bonded labor, or surrender of personal documentation)" - I have changed the answer to 'no'

Aureliane.....2024-05-22 07:19:57 UTC