Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Worker remediation,
Cancel contracts
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Page 11 - "The reverse is true for low-performing suppliers. Depending on the situation, we may instruct suppliers with poor sustainability performance to resolve existing issues within a specified timeframe. Alternatively, we may reduce their share of business or offer them fewer business opportunities. We may even terminate our business relationships with those that display exceptionally poor sustainability performance."

Sustainability is defined in the document on pages 10-11 and it includes modern slavery related issues

I've ticked corrective action plan but I'm unsure as it doesn't seem that they necessarily help the supplier with that statement above.

Tara Tolhurst.....2024-02-02 00:32:39 UTC

Pages 11-12 under 'Supplier Capability Improvement' may cover corrective action plan but again I am unsure

Tara Tolhurst.....2024-02-02 00:54:21 UTC

Concerning child labour in their operations, the report states: "Should there ever be any instances where child labour in unknowingly employed, we shall provide these children with sufficient financial and other support to help subsidiaries receive an appropriate education until they exceed the age of a child as defined above."

Martina Carlino.....2024-02-06 11:14:07 UTC

The report mentions a methodology (CRCPE) to address cases, in which they say they will prevent future cases, but they do not give any details regarding how this will be approached. I removed "corrective action plan".

Aureliane.....2024-02-29 16:11:00 UTC