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MSA Agency workers
Does the company take actions to minimise the risk of modern slavery among contract/agency workers throughout the supply chain?
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About the data

Research has shown that agency, contract or temporary workers are particularly vulnerable to forced labour, since they do not benefit from the protections granted to other workers. Companies or suppliers might hire temporary workers through agencies that are engaged in forced labour.

Agency or contract workers might also be referred to as "contingent workers".


Read the statement and identify whether the company discloses any actions they are taking to minimise the risk of modern slavery among contract/agency workers throughout the supply chain.

Policies that simply state protecting the rights of agency, contract or temporary workers do not count as actions for this metric. To meet this metric, companies must show that they have put in place specific processes.

Actions might include (but are not limited to):

- Conduct additional assessments in areas/suppliers that pose risks to migrant workers

- Provide training for supplier or agencies

- Monitor or publish the percentage of contract workers working for suppliers

Select "Yes" if the company discloses actions to protect migrant workers.

Select "No" if you cannot find any actions. 

Select "In development" if the company states that it is in the process of designing such actions. 

Please provide details of the actions taken in the comment.

Keywords: agency, temporary, contract, contingent

Value Type
In development
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Modern Slavery Statement
Abigail Munroe