Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
Gucci Limited

"In 2017, Kering’s Sustainability Department analyzed the practices of the Group by comparing them to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the “UNGP”). This assessment enabled Kering to identify specific points for progress in areas such as public commitment and policy, the scope of internal control procedures, grievance and remediation mechanisms, and external communications. Moreover, Kering’s Compliance Department, together with Kering’s Internal Audit Department and Sustainability Department, took steps to ensure compliance with the requirements of the French Duty of Care Law to identify risks and prevent severe impacts on human rights and fundamental freedoms. Keen to refine its understanding of human rights issues throughout the supply chain and to learn from good practices on the matter, Kering’s Sustainability Department conducted a new study in 2020 focusing on the governance and management of human rights within the supply chain at Group and House level. Carried out with GoodCorporation, an independent organization specializing in business ethics, this study included consultations with various internal stakeholders to gather their feedback. To identify new avenues for progress, the findings from the study were analyzed in light of the recommendations provided for in the UNGP and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector. In 2020, Kering’s Sustainability Department also conducted a study aimed at identifying and assessing human rights risks linked to the supply of certain raw materials. This analysis was carried out in the countries in which the Group’s suppliers are located. The findings from these various studies enabled the Group to identify a number of key points and subjects, and the resulting recommendations were shared with members of the Executive Committee. In January 2021, Kering conducted a new and more in-depth assessment of the risks of severe impacts to human rights and fundamental freedoms, severe harm to the health and safety of individuals, and serious environmental damage, resulting from the operations of the Kering Group as well as of its suppliers or subcontractors. The risks pertaining to child labor and forced labor (including, but not limited to debt bondage, migrant labor, human trafficking, and illegal, clandestine or undeclared employment), as well as decent working conditions (including but not limited to wages, working hours, and dignity at work) were expressly evaluated as part of this exercise. An update of the 2021 human rights risk assessment is currently ongoing and will be completed in 2023. These assessments restate Kering’s commitment to ensure that the human rights risks associated with its operations worldwide be properly assessed and mitigated.“ P.9

"In 2020, Kering established a portal designed to enhance communication with suppliers, as well as to reinforce the monitoring of their operations, based on a self-assessment. Indeed, in addition to providing suppliers with access to relevant training and key Kering documents, the portal fosters a greater transparency on supply chains operations since suppliers are annually asked to complete three questionnaires designed to collect information necessary to further evaluate their practices, including with respect to mitigating the risks of forced and child labor.“ P.18

"To complement the core Hercules risk management system, Kering has deployed multiple efforts and tools.“ P.15

"In 2015, Kering and its Houses established a compliance management system, which is intended to provide supply chain analysis within Kering’s production processes, as well as create and share relevant best practices.

The system is based on the following six key pillars.


Celina.....2023-11-19 15:45:01 UTC

Gucci Modern Slavery Statement; p.6,9

Gucci assesses for each supplier for any possible reputational and 7 criminal risks also in terms of human rights violations (including forced labour and human trafficking), through the available public sources and sanctioned lists.


To further ensure best practices within the Group and its supply chain, including Gucci’s, in 2021, Kering conducted an assessment of the risks of severe impacts to human rights and fundamental freedoms, severe harm to the health and safety of individuals, and serious environmental damage, resulting from the operations of the Kering Group as well as of its suppliers or subcontractors. An update of the 2021 risk assessment is currently ongoing and will be completed in 2023

Manali Rana.....2024-02-27 08:02:11 UTC