Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (independent),
On-site visits (self- reporting),
On-site visits (independent)
Walk Free

3.2.2 supplier monitoring

Max Bruggeman.....2023-11-15 10:46:16 UTC

"We have regular in-country meetings with manufacturers to help forge long-term relationships. Personnel from Equip at all levels, including directors, design, operations, materials and buying as well as our corporate social responsibility team have regular discussions and make frequent site visits."

"Since 2019 we have required our manufacturers to be audited against the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct which establishes standards they must abide by to protect their workers’ human rights. As established in our Due Diligence Policy and Manufacturing Supplier Manual, we require manufacturers to be audited by third parties at least every two years, share the audit reports with us, and work with us to correct any non-compliances. Several manufacturing partners have also been audited by Fair Wear whose methodology emphasises the importance of on and off-site worker interviews.“ P.4

Celina.....2023-11-29 12:03:19 UTC