Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
RWC Partners
Verified by Steward check_circle

The company has mentioned that it expects its suppliers to comply with the company's policies however no compulsion is reported hence not considered.

pg. 1

"According to the International Labour Organisation, there are some 24.9 million people worldwide subjected to forced labour. We do not tolerate forced labour either within our business itself or within our supply chain. We expect all our employees to carry out their responsibilities with integrity and respect for others, which is embedded in our organisation’s culture, values and ethics. Similarly, we expect our supply chain (whether direct suppliers or those that directly or indirectly supply our direct suppliers) to share the same values."


"We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery does not exist anywhere in the organisation or in any of its supply chain. Neither we nor, to the best of our knowledge, our supply chain make use of forced labour.

We have carried out a risk-based assessment of our key suppliers to ascertain their use of forced labour, and reviewed their statements, where available, on the use of forced labour to ensure that they in turn are taking what appears to us to be appropriate steps. For suppliers who have not published a written statement we have requested signed agreement to our Code of Ethics and Conduct policy. All new suppliers are assessed for their ability to meet this threshold upon entry as part of our sign-off process. We will not engage with or continue working relationships with any supplier unable to verify their commitment to preventing modern slavery."



We are committed to creating a safe and secure working environment at RWC and have implemented a Whistleblowing Policy which sets out the process for reporting any reasonable suspicions of unethical behaviour.

We have implemented a Modern Slavery policy, which is available to all staff on our company intranet. This policy outlines the responsibilities of RWC and our employees in combatting forced labour in the business and our supply chain.

We have prepared this statement for the purposes of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. References in the statement to “forced labour” mean any conduct which is an offence under Part I of that Act including slavery, servitude, any type of forced or compulsory labour and trafficking for the purposes of exploitation."

Singh Anjali.....2021-11-11 10:29:12 UTC

Company does not state they require all suppliers to produce statement.

Aileen Rob.....2021-12-17 16:15:12 UTC

Data copied from RWC Asset Management LLP for 2020