P10- "We continue to sponsor and work closely alongside the
Responsible Recruitment Toolkit and strongly encourage
suppliers to make use of their free training and resources."
p22 - KPI to train 100% of colleagues in the Buying team trained on
forced labour.
p23 - "Tailored modern slavery training for UK colleagues in
distribution and fulfilment, including Distribution Managers
and People Partners. Recognising that risks of modern
slavery are dynamic, this training is updated annually."
Employees (all): On page 24, "This year we continued to run training targeting the colleagues in our business who have direct contact with workers in our own operations and supply chains, including:
• Developing a comprehensive, interactive modern slavery
e-learning module for key Tesco colleagues, which was
completed by 100% of buyers as per our target, and more
than 92% of colleagues in broader teams, including
technical, merchandising and quality, for both food and
clothing areas of the business.
• Delivering a supplier webinar to all primary UK suppliers in
the produce sector on mitigating the modern slavery risks
within seasonal labour, which 96 suppliers registered for.
72% of suppliers were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’
with the content of the webinar. We expect to host further
webinars in future and use all feedback received to refine
our content and formatting.
• Fully launched modern slavery training for colleagues
based in our six sourcing hubs. This training will be
refreshed annually."
Procurement / purchasing: On page 9, "Across all areas of Group Procurement, 90% of suppliers have completed Stronger Together modern slavery training, and 82% of suppliers have registered for the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit. Completion sometimes falls below 100% where new suppliers are onboarded. We work closely with our Group Procurement colleagues and their suppliers on a regular basis to achieve 100% completion as soon as possible."
Suppliers: On page 24, "We continue to require all Tesco suppliers based in the UK, including service providers such as labour agencies, to attend Stronger Together training on tackling modern slavery. This requirement also includes the second tier of our key UK food suppliers."