On the page number 14 is stated:
"We continuously manage the risk of modern slavery in our workforce by making sure that the people we hire have the right to work in the relevant country and that their basic rights as workers are protected."
However, the company has not mentioned any audits or on-site visits.
The company mentions screening but audits, site visits or compliance checks are still not explicit.
pg. 15
“As part of these developments, we have established the Supplier Oversight team which is responsible for making sure that all risks associated with modern slavery have been screened and assessed before onboarding a new supplier and support ongoing monitoring activities. This team is also responsible for obtaining attestation to our Supplier Code of Conduct. This approach has strengthened our oversight capabilities and provided us with greater transparency of our supply chain. The additional capacity provided by the Supplier Oversight team and our increased investment in emerging technology has enabled us to screen all of our circa 5,000 tier one suppliers in our supply chain.”