
Companies explicitly specified by direct selection.

This dataset represents the companies that own or operate the 50 most queried domains on the internet, as reported in the Cisco Popularity List from Cisco Systems.

This list of queried domains is based on data collected from over 100 Billion requests per day, by 65 million unique active users, and represents all kinds of data being sent over internet. This means it's not just website visits, but also includes streaming video from TVs, internet of things traffic and so on.

The full list of queried domains is a million domains long, but from our own research in the Green Web Foundation, we know that there frequently power laws in effect, meaning that the top 1% of the queried domains wil usuallty make up the lions share of all the queries.

For this reason, starting with just the companies repsonsible for the top 50 domains will mean you can cover more significant share of internet, than you might think.

For theĀ  companies in this dataset, the following is true:

1. the company owns or operates at least one of the top 50 domains in the Cisco Popularity List

2. the company exists in Wiikrate (some companies do not exist yet)
