Question: Does the company mention that it provides any type of support to suppliers and/or supply chain workers as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Walk Free
MSA COVID-19 Response
Mars Inc.
Verified by Steward check_circle

pg. 5

“COVID-19 Context

In 2021, we continued engaging with suppliers, customers, civil society organizations, workers, farmers and our Associates to better understand how COVID-19 risks impact people touched by our business.”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-14 08:00:44 UTC

"Supporting RaksThai Foundation to implement COVID-19 response work across 11 provinces in Thailand, with a focus on seafood and fishery workers and their communities. More than 55,000 people were reached with support including cash and emergency supplies, and community leaders have been trained on health and sanitation, financial management due to loss of income, and access to testing and medical services. "

Abigail Munroe.....2023-03-01 15:19:23 UTC

All of page 5

Abigail Munroe.....2023-03-01 15:20:26 UTC