Page 5 - use of surveys
Page 14 - Desk research
Pg. 9
“We are committed to conducting due diligence across our UK distribution sites and have further human rights assessments planned at six sites in early 2022. A further six visits will be conducted later in 2022.” (In development)
pg. 12
“We also require all primary suppliers to link to Tesco through Sedex, a platform for suppliers and retailers to share ethical data and audit records, giving us full visibility of their ethical audit performance.” (Risk management tool)
Pg. 14
“The SEA Alliance has worked with an expert consultant to undertake a desk-based risk assessment of 297 fisheries supplying the UK market, supported the development of further guidance on due diligence in seafood supply chains, and written to the EU regarding concerns about human rights risks in seafood supply chains.” (Desk research)
Pg. 26
“Plans for 2022/23
• Identify a third-party expert for a human rights impact assessment of our operations in Central Europe and begin the assessment work.” (In development)