Question: Does the company disclose that they provide living wage to workers in their supply chain?
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pg. 25

“Living wages in banana supply chains

Low wages are a systemic challenge for workers in the banana industry. Our commitment to purchasing only Fairtrade-certified bananas means that both smallholder farmers and workers on plantations receive the Fairtrade Minimum Price, which ensures they can meet the cost of production, as well as receiving Fairtrade Premiums to invest in improvements to their environment and community. In July 2021, the new Fairtrade Base Wage in bananas was introduced for hired labour, which is helping to improve wages for workers in the sector and move towards a living wage.”

Pg. 26

“Our coffee supply chain alone generated approximately £530,000 in Fairtrade Premium, of which around 31% was invested in productivity projects, and 13% in living income projects.”

Pg. 40

“Promoting living wage payments

Recognising the importance of the living wage, during 2022/23 we will continue to work collaboratively with the IDH and the UK retail sector on identifying the gap between current and living wages in banana supply chains, with a view to working towards a sector commitment regarding wage improvements.”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-01 17:08:52 UTC