Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment

"We utilise a suite of tools which include policies, contractual agreements, self-assessment questionnaires and audits deployed throughout our supply chain (as depicted above). " pg 15.

Matthew Snibson.....2022-12-10 01:44:09 UTC

Pg. 12

“We monitor both macro risks and any specific risks that may be associated with the businesses engaged in our operations and supply chains. We source information on these risks from various resources including desktop research, media monitoring, industry expert advice, multi-stakeholder initiatives, non-government organisations, industry partners, peers and our suppliers.”

pg. 20

“Our AFP requires suppliers to register their Tier 1 factories on the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) platform, complete self-assessment questionnaires, and where required provide a social compliance audit that covers the nine fundamental principles within out Supplier Code of Conduct which is aligned to the ETI Base Code.”

Pg. 21

“Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) have been used as an interim measure to gather information and to reinforce expectations until such time as these factories can again be assessed as part of the AFP.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-25 13:19:13 UTC