Question: Does the statement describe consulting with any entities that it owns or controls?
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updated over 1 year ago by Maisy Lam-Po-Tang

Mention LV Group Suppliers' Code of Conduct, but is generally vague. See page 1: "We sourced all the products we sold from LVM. They were largely manufactured by LVMH industrial subsidiaries"

Maisy Lam-Po-Tang.....2022-11-29 06:46:40 UTC

"We strived to work ever more closely with our suppliers to ensure their workforce, and the workforce of their supply chains, including contractors, are treated with respect and dignity."


"LVUK has a number of policies that are relevant to our values and culture, which set out what we expect from our staff, our suppliers, and their supply chains."


"LVM and LV industrial subsidiaries required their suppliers and their supply chains to share our shared values"



Julia Spicer.....2023-01-15 10:51:59 UTC

"LVUK continued to require suppliers to obtain prior approval before subcontracting any part of their supply chain process that concerned the provision of goods or services to us."


"Approval was subject to acceptance by the subcontractor of the LV Suppliers’ Code of Conduct and all other conditions that may be required."


"We continued to refine and implement our approach with some third parties we work with (in particular, landlords) through the customization of the LV Suppliers’ Code of Conduct to uphold and strengthen our values and culture."



Julia Spicer.....2023-01-15 10:52:27 UTC