There is no updated 2022 statement. The 2021 statement does not sufficiently address this question.
The assessments all seem to happen via audits, which are covered by a different metric.
p.3: "We continually assess modern slavery risk in our business and supply chains. Our assessments identifyhigher risk areas of our business based on external reports and standards, country and sector risk profiles,previous assessments, supplier questionnaires, and input from experts in this area. In addition, to assesssupplier-specific risk, we consider the industry, work type, geography, and supplier performance against ourSupplier Code of Conduct, among other factors.In 2022, we conducted a product-level risk assessment to identify Google products that could be associatedwith modern slavery. As part of the risk assessment, we conducted desktop research on the types ofproducts that could be used to facilitate modern slavery and mapped Google products against stages of thehuman trafficking lifecycle. We developed a methodology that prioritized products based on several factors,including product content and the likelihood of occurrence. In December 2022, we identified a short list ofproducts that require further analysis. We plan to work with product teams to develop risk mitigation andmanagement solutions for the products identified.For more information on our ongoing risk assessments and remediations in our supply chain, please refer toour 2022 Supplier Responsibility Report."