Question: Does the statement describe consulting with any entities that it owns or controls?
Walk Free
MSA Consultation Process
Google Inc.

There is no updated 2022 statement, the 2021 statement does mention subsidiaries.

Kesso Lake.....2022-11-10 14:00:15 UTC

p.6: "OCI exercises oversight over the Supplier Responsibility and Extended Workforce Solutions teams. Suchoversight includes the collection of quarterly program performance and risk metrics, as well as reviews ofsupplier risk assessments, due diligence questions, and audit protocols that relate to modern slavery riskindicators. Any potential policy and process improvements to the Supplier Responsibility program arepresented to the Supplier Responsibility Steering Team for approval."

Jasmin Kreutzer.....2024-03-05 11:14:41 UTC

The above is about suppliers, not owned/ controlled entities. However, the statement does describe other controlled entities but not consultation



Google’s anti-modern-slavery program covers Google, its subsidiaries, and its controlled entities. As a result,statements regarding Google’s efforts to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in our supply chainsand business operations—including statements regarding the company’s policies, processes, andprocedures—also apply to Google’s subsidiaries and controlled entities unless specified otherwise.For the purposes of this statement, "Google," "the company," "we," "us," "our," and similar terms includeGoogle,its subsidiaries, and its controlled entities, unless the context indicates otherwise. “Modern slavery,” refers toslavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, child labor, and human trafficking. In addition, “suppliermanagers” refer to employees managing our suppliers, and “our extended workforce,” refers to our supplieremployees, temporary workers, and contractors.

Abigail Munroe.....2024-04-10 14:35:08 UTC