Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment


A large proportion of our suppliers are based in the UK and continental Europe and our own port

operation businesses have fixed UK-based locations. Therefore, we do not consider that we operate in

high-risk industries or territories, with reference to the Walk Free Global Slavery Index which identifies

those most at risk. Notwithstanding this, we are vigilant to the risks and threats of modern slavery and

human trafficking in all our business activities and relationships.

We are alert to potential problems that may arise where our suppliers may knowingly or unknowingly

derive raw materials and labour from unethical sources or higher risk territories. We vet our suppliers to

minimise such risk and reserve the right to suspend our business with them if we have concerns, to

investigate and to terminate their contracts if necessary"

Tori Curbelo.....2022-11-06 19:23:23 UTC